First Engineer Bridge旅遊行程精選


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體感溫度:1°C 降雨機率:57% 風速:6.4 公里/時

※ 景點照片以實際狀況為主,圖片僅提供參考。

First Engineer Bridge
First Engineer Bridge

※ 景點照片以實際狀況為主,圖片僅提供參考。

第一個工程師橋位於聖彼得堡,橫跨莫伊卡河、芬坦卡河和天鵝運河,鄰近火星場,正對著夏日花園的主要入口。「第一工程師橋」是聖彼得堡五百多座橋中最雕刻細膩的橋樑之一,最早是一座小木橋,橋上有傳言是由建築師巴託洛梅奧·拉斯特里製造的,於六十年代建成,後來在一八二四至一八二五之間拆掉重新改裝,並於一八二九年改名為「第一工程師橋」,以紀念附近的工程師城堡。皮埃爾·多米尼克·巴詹恩特設計和施工了這座橋,機動方式類似於位於莫伊卡河更西方的「大 vis-à-vis the grand entrance of the Summer Garden。The First Engineer Bridge is one of the most ornately decorated of Saint Petersburg's 500+ bridges。 It was initially a small wooden bridge designed by the architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli in the 1760s, after which it underwent renovations and was renamed in 1829 to the 'First Engineer Bridge', due to its location near the Engineers' Castle。Pierre-Dominique Bazaine was the engineer responsible for constructing the bridge in a pre-fabricated manner similar to the 'Big Stables Bridge', another bridge on Moika River。He secured one third of the entire mass of the bridge through his design of the sidewalks with special bracket supports。The decorative style of the First Engineer Bridge is Doric, designed by architect I。I。 "Joseph" Charlemagne。The beams are curvilinear and perforated, and the orifices are framed with flat borders, lending the structure a sense of lightness and transparency。The sidewalks are made up of cornice designs and bracket figures, while the rivets feature triglyphs surrounding the joints of the side plaques。Iron arches strengthen the structure from behind。The railings, intricately designed by Charlemagne, display bouquets of decorations and shields with bas-reliefs of Medusa heads。In 1994, a bronze statue of Chizhik-Pyzhik was installed on the embankment across from the Imperial School of Jurisprudence near the First Engineer Bridge。


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體感溫度:1°C 降雨機率:57% 風速:6.4 公里/時
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