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聖喬瑟夫·西藤·奇基穆拉是危地馬拉中美洲最大的22個縣之一,縣治同樣名為奇基穆拉。在1871年,該縣以詔書成立,並成為危地馬拉東北部的重要組成部分。根據具體位置,該地可歸類為丘陵地,氣候則介於熱帶及溫帶之間,取決於所在區域。在西班牙接觸時,奇基穆拉隸屬於以科帕蒂為首都的印加帝國,同時亦涉及荷蘭、薩爾瓦多的部分地區。印加族語中的「chiquimoltlān」演變而來的「chiquimolin」是指「雀」,加上地名後綴-tlān而成為「許多雀群之地」的意思。西班牙征服時,奇基穆拉·德拉西爾所在地被當地的Ch'orti' 瑪雅人居住,而第一次西班牙探索一級隊伍於1524年發起,其中包括埃諾多·德·查韋斯,胡安·杜蘭,巴託洛米·貝塞拉和克里斯·薩爾瓦蒂耳等。1526年,在佩德羅·德·阿瓦拉多的命令下,3位西班牙加官員——胡安·佩雷斯·達爾丹,桑喬·德·巴拉翁婆以及巴託洛米·貝塞拉來到奇基穆拉探索。當地人民很快反抗西班牙對他們的過度要求,然而在1530年4月,反抗卻很快被鎮壓下去。但這個地區一直沒有被西班牙視為完全征服,直到1531年至1532年豪爾佐·德·博卡內格拉所領導的發動的一場戰役才算得上是征服,此戰役亦涉及瓜拉帕路裡有部分地區。舊世界疾病、戰爭及鉱山苦役之苦對東危地馬拉居民造成了巨大的影響,以至於印加族人口從未恢復到西班牙征服前的水準。在1871年11月10日,該縣以execworld的詔書正式被成立。詔書從奇基穆拉的行政範圍中削減佔用的面積,今日的佔用部分分別為現今查帕帕縣和伊薩巴爾縣的部分地區。奇基穆拉位於危地馬拉東北部,北部與查帕帕縣接壤,西部與賈拉帕縣和查帕帕縣接壤,南部與胡蒂亞帕縣和薩爾瓦多共合邊界,東部則與荷蘭接壤,縣治則距離危地馬拉城約738公里。山脈橫貫該地南北,由西部與賈拉帕縣交界處開始,然後連接延伸至鄰國荷蘭與薩爾瓦多的塞雷拉·德·梅婁遜山脈。奇基穆拉擁有2個徑流河谷,其中一個徑流於大西洋,另一個則流入太平洋。該縣最為重要的河流為大河、或Camotán河,由荷蘭流入,之後演變成Jocotán河,最終匯入Motagua河而流入加勒比海。而該縣南部最重要的河流則是Anguiatú河及Ostúa河。該縣亦有許多礦產,並自西班牙殖民時代以來一直在開採銀礦。奇基穆拉可分為2個氣候區,Concepción Las Minas、Esquipulas、Ipala、Olopa及Quetzaltepeque等五個市屬溫帶,Camotán、Chiquimula、Jocotán、San Jacinto、San José La Arada及San Juan Ermita屬熱帶。在溫帶區,其平均溫度為,而熱帶區則達至。氣候變化對該縣影響甚大,最高氣溫已達度,同時較少的雨量亦導致糧食短缺。在2009至2013年間,該縣記錄的最低氣溫為度,此期間該縣的相對濕度則從74.5%至76.6%之間變化。平均每年降雨量為。根據2018年的人口普查,奇基穆拉人口為415,063。2002年,83.33%的人口屬於非印加族,16.67%屬於印加族。此中的印加族人口大部分為Ch'orti' 瑪雅族,略有Xinka族及Garifuna族。2006年,該縣貧困人口占比為59.5%,極端貧困人口則佔27.7%。縣內北部的貧困程度普遍較高,而南部則低於平均水準。2002年,該縣的人口佔全國人口的2.7%,人口密度為127人/平方公里,排名第十。


'Esquipulas' , officially Municipality of Esquipulas, whose original name was Yzquipulas, is a town, with a population of 18,667 , and a municipality located in the department of Chiquimula, in eastern Guatemala. Esquipulas' main attraction is the beautiful located in the Basilica of Esquipulas, making the town an important place of Catholic pilgrimage for Central America. It is also one of the most important towns of the country and one that has had the most economic and cultural growth. In 2002, it was registered on UNESCO's tentative World Heritage list. The city is a tourist attraction due to its ecological and religious importance. It is the most visited city and town across eastern Guatemala and the second most visited in the country, surpassed only by the City of Guatemala, visited annually by approximately four to five million tourists and devout Catholics, this due to its important and varied religious resorts and distributed in the 495 km2, the smallest city visited by Pope John Paul II in 1996 which entitled him recognition as Capital Central to the Faith, whose recognition is currently known as to this city, which was also visited by Teresa of Calcutta, hosted the Esquipulas Peace Accords during the mid-1980s. The Basilica of Esquipulas headquarters in Central Catholic Faith is the first wonder of Guatemala competition held by the Industrial Bank on November 26, 2008. In 1987 the Trifinio Biosphere Reserve was created to protect the unique flora and fauna in the region. The territory comprises an area of 495 km2, distributed in 20 villages, 123 sub villages, one town and two villas which are Timushán and Chanmagua, with a total population of 53,556 ; with the town of Esquipulas having a population of 18,667 which represents 35% of the total population of the municipality. Esquipulas is located 222 kilometers from Guatemala City, 9.5 kilometers from the border with the Republic of Honduras and 45 kilometers from the city of Chiquimula, bordering the municipalities of Olopa, Jocotán and the department Camotán Chiquimula to the north and the municipality of Metapan, El Salvador to the south. To the east it meets the departments of Copán and Ocotepeque, Honduras and to the west, the municipality of Concepción Las Minas and the Resume Chiquimula department. Pre-Hispanic The northern region and center of Esquipulas is located within the geographical area known as Region Ch'orti' people of Guatemala. Chorti culture and the Kingdom Payaki or Payaqui which was notable for leaving some of their old architectures developed within this municipality. Culture Chorti The first settlers were descendants from Maya people of Copán Copán, Honduras who came to these lands, shortly after they were forming groups or ethnic groups including ethnic Ch'orti ', these moved Esquipulas after leaving or moving of its ancient cities, this culture achievement develop for several years, even after of the Spanish conquest these were gradually disappearing from the municipality and moved to other municipality such as Camotan, Chiquimula and Jocotan, although they reached the Valley of Esquipulas, this culture is developed more in the villages Timushan and Chanmagua. Kingdom Payaqui Another ethnic group who lived in this municipality was ethnically Payaqui. The priest Topiltzín Axcitl or Nacxit was the founder of the Kingdom of Payaqui. The origin of this town, is located in the depths of the mystery of the cultura maya . 16th Century Spanish colonization Esquipulas Basílica in 1895. In 1524 Spanish forces first established themselves in the area now known as Guatemala with the settling of the area's first municipality at Tecpan. By 1525 Spanish forces had reached the region South of the Valley of Monte Christo, this region then being inhabited by the Chorti Indians. Conquest of Isquitzuchil In 1525, the captains Juan Pérez Dardón, Sancho de Barahona and Bartolomé Becerra under the command of Pedro de Alvarado conquered the province of Chiquimula, and as a result the Catholic religion was imposed upon the conquered peoples. In April 1530 the locals led by chieftains Copantl and Galel again revolted against the conquerors and as a result, Don Francisco de Orduña ordered the captains Pedro de Amalina and Hernando de Chávez that they leave from Mitlan to "pacify" the region, who departed along with 60 Marines, 400 Allied Indians and 30 horses. The region was well defended and hindered the entry of the Spanish army. After fighting for 3 days, the inhabitants of the region finally surrendered, mostly for peace and public tranquility, and also for fear of the Castilian arms, in the words of the Chief. Esquipulas Between 1550 and 1560 the town of Yzquipulas was founded in this region by Juan Pérez Dardón. Dardón brought with him slaves of Mayan-Chortí and Mayan-Payaquí origin from other regions of the Province of Chiquimula de la Sierra. The main street in town was laid out, running from the main Iglesia de Santiago in the South, to the town's aqueduct in the North. The city plan eventually grew to include two city plazas, now known as "Parque de la Basilica," in the South and in the North, adjacent to the older parish church "Iglesia de Santiago,"is the "Parque Centroamerica" plaza. In the early 1700s Esquipulas was one of the most populous Spanish communities in the area. According to the town's baptismal registry, it then had a population of 198 people. A century later, the records reflected that the community had reached 851 inhabitants, representing 30% of the total population of the department of Chiquimula. Apparently settlers were attracted to the region by the great fertility of its valleys. Catholicism in Esquipulas In 1594, the villagers asked the Portuguese sculptor Quirio Cataño to sculpt a crucified Christ with a dark complexion. The Portuguese sculptor, who resided in Santiago de los Caballeros de Guatemala, delivered the Black Christon October 4, 1594, as established in the initial contract. The image was collected by the inhabitants of Esquipulas and taken to their small town, arriving on March 9, 1595, and initially installed in a small shrine in a monastic hermitage just outside of the town. The inhabitants of that time called the sculpture "miraculous", which drew the attention of the surrounding Catholic populations. By 1650 the town was one of the most important Catholic sites of the captaincy general since it was visited by people from the provinces of El Salvador and Comayagua. In 1680, the construction of the Santiago Church began, which was completed in 1682, the year in which the sculpture of the Black Christ was moved from the hermitage. In 1740 the fifteenth bishop of Guatemala, fray Pedro Pardo de Figueroa, in order to attend the ever-growing pilgrimages dedicated to the Christ of Esquipulas and in gratitude for the healing of a disease, commissioned the construction of a larger basilica to the architect Felipe José de Porres, son of Diego de Porres and grandson of José de Porres, renowned senior architects of the capital city of the Captaincy General of Guatemala, Santiago de los Caballeros. Fray Pedro Pardo de Figueroa died on February 2, 1751, during a visit to Esquipulas to supervise the construction of the sanctuary and was buried in the basilica of Esquipulas, according to his last will. He was replaced by Francisco de Figueredo y Victoria, who continued the construction of the basilica, which was completed at the end of 1758. On November 4 of that year he decreed the solemn dedication of the new sanctuary, which was inaugurated on January 4, 1759. The image of the Christ of Esquipulas was transferred to the new basilica on Saturday January 6, 1759. + Municipality villages and hamlets Village SurfaceSquare km Hamlets City of Esquipulas hamlets There are four hamlets within the city and, even though they are not outside city limits, there are considerably far away from downtown: El Ciracil, El Sillón, Tizaquín and Vuelta Grande Atulapa 37 Agua Caliente, Amatal, Agua Zarca, Bojorquez, Canoas, El Barrial, El Cerrón, Horno de Vides, La Brea, La Casona, Mesa Grande, Montesinas and Zompopero Santa Rosalía 31 El Duraznal, El Jocotal, El Limón, La Cuestona, Las Toreras, El Portezuelo and Plan de La Arada San Nicolás 32 El Barrial, El Cascajal, Chaguitón, Guayabito, Miramundo and Tecomapa La Granadilla 40 El Chuctal, El Olvido, El Porvenir and Floripundio Olopita 46 Cuevitas, El Bueyero, Las Crucitas, Olopita Centro, Piedra Redonda, San Cristóbal, San Juan and Tontoles Valle Dolores 33 El Chaguite, El Chorro, Los Vados, San Juan Arriba and Tierra Colorada Belén 10 Agua Zarca, Chiramay, El Zapote and La Ruda Cruz Alta 27 Curruche and Las Palmas Jagua 37 El Empedrado, El Encino, El Jicaro, El Peñasco , El Pinalito, El Salitre, La Cumbre, Las Sopas, Lagunas, Llano de Guerra, Ojo de Agua, Palmitas, Rincón de María, San Francisco Buena Vista and Tareas Las Peñas 30 El Incienso, El Palmar, El Pesote, Joyas Verdes, La Fortuna, Miramundo and Queseras El Zarzal 19 El Guineal, Malcotal, Potrerillos, Zapotal and Zapotalito Valle de Jesús 6 Valle de Jesús San Isidro 10 Capucal, El Chuctal, Entre Ríos and Malcotalito Chanmagua 30 El Pedregal, Las Pozas, Los Varales and Laguna Seca Cafetales 20 La Aradona, La Rinconada, Loma Alta and Llano Largo El Carrizal 25 Bailadero, Joyitas, Llano de los Toros, Pericos and Tabloncito Horcones 15 Calzontes, El Zarzalito, Piedra de Amolar, Tablón de Gámez and Tishac Timushán 40 Cañada del Pino, El Mojón, El Bajío, Loma del Mango, Los Fierros, Llano de San Gaspar, Malcinca, Pasaljá, San Antonio Sulay, San Miguel Mapa, Suyate and Tablón de Sulay Monteros 10 El Horno and El Rincón de León Carboneras 10 El Rincón 52% of the population is made up young people within 0 and 25 years of age, of which 64% of that 52% of young scholars. Education quality is high active Esquipulas, +89.0, the best quality education across the east. The Esquipulas educational calendar is 180 days, the dates may vary, the most common are from 18 January to 12 October and a total of 90 days or 3 months off. 70% study in private institutions that are several in Esquipulas, while only 30% study in the public institutions of government. Esquipulas has stood massively in youth participation in National Science Olympiad in Guatemala, which is in charge of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala, taking several gold medals, silver and bronze as well as awards for part of the young participants. Esquipulan Winners in the ONC Esquipulan winners in the National Olympiad of Science are various and Esquipulas has the largest share and the highest number of awards won. Participants go to various materials and are: mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, chemistry, physics and biology major, degrees from 1° to 3° basic or secondary and diversified. Esquipulas Basilica en 2010. Because of its importance as a tourist and religious center, the population of Esquipulas is dedicated mostly to that trade, although there is also a strong coffee industry which produces some of the best varieties available. Currently, religious tourism and hospitality industry has boomed, fueled by the large number of pilgrims visiting the sacred image of the Black Christ of Esquipulas. Tourism in Esquipulas grew gradually, since the area is a very attractive destination due to its natural resources and its colonial history, along with its culture expressed in its customs and cuisine. There is a strong interest of visitors on religious colonial places like the Basilica of Esquipulas, which was built in 1740 under the sponsorship of Monsignor Pedro Pardo de Figueroa in order to meet the increasingly growing pilgrimages dedicated to the Black Christ of Esquipulas. Pardo de Figueroa commissioned the construction of a temple to Philip José de Porres, the son of Diego de Porres and grandson of Joseph de Porres, renowned architects from the capital city Santiago de los Caballeros de Guatemala and the funding came from the cotton fields owners. Interesting tourist destinations are: * Basilica of Esquipulas * "Los Compadres" stone * Mine cave * Trifinio Biosphere Reserve * Chatún Park * "El Guisayote" biosphere reserve * Acueducto "Los Arcos" * Río Atulapa Basilica of Esquipulas In 1956, Pope Pius XII erected the Prelature nullius for the Black Christ and established by the municipality of Esquipulas and the Santuario de Esquipulas Cathedral as its venue. The Archbishop of Guatemala, Monsignor Mariano Rossell y Arellano, was appointed the First Prelate of Esquipulas; one of the first concerns of Rossell y Arellano was to seek a religious order to take over the care of the sanctuary. Finally, he found support from the Benedictine Abbey of San José, located in Louisiana, USA. The order sent three monks in 1959 with the mission of founding the Benedictine Monastery of Esquipulas which is responsible for the care of the Basilica in the 21st century. In 1961, Archbishop Rossell sent a request to Pope John XXIII, who, based in religious, cultural and historic shrine of Esquipulas raised to the rank of Minor Basilica. This Basilica is the only one that has been erected in Central America. Stone of the Compadres These two stones, one on top of the other in strange balance, have stood the test of time as well as historical earthquakes. They are not small at all: the upper stone is about the size of a regular sedan and together they reach a height of about three meters and a calculated weight of 50 tons. A legend in Esquipulas says that two friends became "compadres" , but in spite of this sacred pact, one of them was carried away by desire and seduced the other's wife. They were turned into stone as punishment for their sins, left for all to see their forbidden desire for each other, among the whispering wind and swaying trees. On the other hand, traditional communities believe that the stones are a manifestation of divine powers, or materialization of divine will; therefore, the place is scene of sacred rituals, prayers, sacrifices and penances. The stones are blackened by the rituals performed there, often including a sacrificed, beheaded cock placed between candles. Mine Cave The oral tradition dictates that it was in this place where Christ reveals the image of the famous sculptor Quirio Black Catano, creator of the famous statue venerated in Esquipulas. Are located south of the city right next to the Basilica and one kilometer away from the road leading to Honduras, there are some hills which one was drilled in a cross lying north to south in the more margins of the Rio Chacalapa or Miracles. It is said that many went through all these places in search of a mine that salvation was to finance the work of the Basilica, but finally, up and down and doing tests, the savior was found, began drilling and operating silver mine that was a fact, when they needed was more like a miracle those deluded savior. These caves were like a memory of that silver mine, which by its geographical location near the Basilica, they found there has been attributed to the miraculous Christ of Esquipulas, which is not true because the documents were later found which consists reliable that the image was burilado by the architect in Antigua Guatemala Quirio Catano, however many indigenous pilgrims from the West, with a mixture of Christian faith and traditions or beliefs, come to visit these caves, performing their own rituals, burn pon and candles, even money left within them. The caves are within private land whose owner have taken advantage of the touristic value that they have, given the influx of pilgrims and the river that runs through the place. They installed the "Cuevas de las Minas" Ecological Park, which has a zoo with more than 25 species, and several modern amenities. Park Chatún Chatun is an Adventure and Fun Park, where all features are intended to show the diversity of our natural resources and our customs and traditions, based on two pillars: adventure and nature. It also has advantages in agriculture, because its coffee, Sertamenes Esquipulas, has won several national and international as the best quality coffee and the richest of Guatemala. There are three farms, Finca Finca Clouds, Finca Rosa, and the Cascajal, that have won contests for "The Best Coffee in Guatemala and the World" according to the National Coffee Association. The Basilica The cathedral at Esquipulas was proclaimed a basilica in 1961 by Pope John XXIII, and in 1995, celebrating the 400th anniversary of the shrine, Pope John Paul II proclaimed it "the spiritual center of Central America." Every year, thousands of pilgrims from Guatemala, the United States, Mexico, Europe and other Central American countries flock to pay homage to the dark wooden image of the crucified Christ, the most revered Catholic shrine in the region. El Santuario de Chimayo, a major Roman Catholic pilgrimage site in Chimayó, New Mexico, United States, is closely linked with Esquipulas. Tierra Santa tablets Esquipulas is famous for its 'Tierra Santa' clay tablets that are purchased by the pilgrims during church festivals. The clay from the local deposits is cleaned and pressed into small cakes. Such clay is also known as 'tierra bendita', or 'Tierra del Santo'. The popularity of this clay is attested by the many names that are used for such medicinal clay tablets all around Central America. Pilgrims sometimes eat the supposedly curative clay, or they rub themselves with it. Similar customs prevail at the sister shrine El Santuario de Chimayo in the US. Beauty contests The maximum beauty event in Esquipulas is "Miss Beauty of Esquipulas", formerly "Señorita Esquipulas", followed by the National Queen of the Independence Party. These events are the second most important beauty contests in the country after only "Miss Universe Guatemala". * Marco Tulio Rivas, global soccer, attended the World SUB-20 Colombia of 2011, currently playing for the football team SUB-20 Guatemala. * Juan Pablo Espino, Guatemalan writer nationally recognized. * Mario Salazar Grande, artist and painter known internationally for his paintings. * Milagro Acevedo: educator. Milagro has a great deal of international experience in the Montessori method. * Hania Hernández: beauty queen. Hania has won numerous contests nationally and internationally.


聖喬瑟夫·西藤·奇基穆拉是危地馬拉中美洲最大的22個縣之一,縣治同樣名為奇基穆拉。在1871年,該縣以詔書成立,並成為危地馬拉東北部的重要組成部分。根據具體位置,該地可歸類為丘陵地,氣候則介於熱帶及溫帶之間,取決於所在區域。在西班牙接觸時,奇基穆拉隸屬於以科帕蒂為首都的印加帝國,同時亦涉及荷蘭、薩爾瓦多的部分地區。印加族語中的「chiquimoltlān」演變而來的「chiquimolin」是指「雀」,加上地名後綴-tlān而成為「許多雀群之地」的意思。西班牙征服時,奇基穆拉·德拉西爾所在地被當地的Ch'orti' 瑪雅人居住,而第一次西班牙探索一級隊伍於1524年發起,其中包括埃諾多·德·查韋斯,胡安·杜蘭,巴託洛米·貝塞拉和克里斯·薩爾瓦蒂耳等。1526年,在佩德羅·德·阿瓦拉多的命令下,3位西班牙加官員——胡安·佩雷斯·達爾丹,桑喬·德·巴拉翁婆以及巴託洛米·貝塞拉來到奇基穆拉探索。當地人民很快反抗西班牙對他們的過度要求,然而在1530年4月,反抗卻很快被鎮壓下去。但這個地區一直沒有被西班牙視為完全征服,直到1531年至1532年豪爾佐·德·博卡內格拉所領導的發動的一場戰役才算得上是征服,此戰役亦涉及瓜拉帕路裡有部分地區。舊世界疾病、戰爭及鉱山苦役之苦對東危地馬拉居民造成了巨大的影響,以至於印加族人口從未恢復到西班牙征服前的水準。在1871年11月10日,該縣以execworld的詔書正式被成立。詔書從奇基穆拉的行政範圍中削減佔用的面積,今日的佔用部分分別為現今查帕帕縣和伊薩巴爾縣的部分地區。奇基穆拉位於危地馬拉東北部,北部與查帕帕縣接壤,西部與賈拉帕縣和查帕帕縣接壤,南部與胡蒂亞帕縣和薩爾瓦多共合邊界,東部則與荷蘭接壤,縣治則距離危地馬拉城約738公里。山脈橫貫該地南北,由西部與賈拉帕縣交界處開始,然後連接延伸至鄰國荷蘭與薩爾瓦多的塞雷拉·德·梅婁遜山脈。奇基穆拉擁有2個徑流河谷,其中一個徑流於大西洋,另一個則流入太平洋。該縣最為重要的河流為大河、或Camotán河,由荷蘭流入,之後演變成Jocotán河,最終匯入Motagua河而流入加勒比海。而該縣南部最重要的河流則是Anguiatú河及Ostúa河。該縣亦有許多礦產,並自西班牙殖民時代以來一直在開採銀礦。奇基穆拉可分為2個氣候區,Concepción Las Minas、Esquipulas、Ipala、Olopa及Quetzaltepeque等五個市屬溫帶,Camotán、Chiquimula、Jocotán、San Jacinto、San José La Arada及San Juan Ermita屬熱帶。在溫帶區,其平均溫度為,而熱帶區則達至。氣候變化對該縣影響甚大,最高氣溫已達度,同時較少的雨量亦導致糧食短缺。在2009至2013年間,該縣記錄的最低氣溫為度,此期間該縣的相對濕度則從74.5%至76.6%之間變化。平均每年降雨量為。根據2018年的人口普查,奇基穆拉人口為415,063。2002年,83.33%的人口屬於非印加族,16.67%屬於印加族。此中的印加族人口大部分為Ch'orti' 瑪雅族,略有Xinka族及Garifuna族。2006年,該縣貧困人口占比為59.5%,極端貧困人口則佔27.7%。縣內北部的貧困程度普遍較高,而南部則低於平均水準。2002年,該縣的人口佔全國人口的2.7%,人口密度為127人/平方公里,排名第十。


'Esquipulas' , officially Municipality of Esquipulas, whose original name was Yzquipulas, is a town, with a population of 18,667 , and a municipality located in the department of Chiquimula, in eastern Guatemala. Esquipulas' main attraction is the beautiful located in the Basilica of Esquipulas, making the town an important place of Catholic pilgrimage for Central America. It is also one of the most important towns of the country and one that has had the most economic and cultural growth. In 2002, it was registered on UNESCO's tentative World Heritage list. The city is a tourist attraction due to its ecological and religious importance. It is the most visited city and town across eastern Guatemala and the second most visited in the country, surpassed only by the City of Guatemala, visited annually by approximately four to five million tourists and devout Catholics, this due to its important and varied religious resorts and distributed in the 495 km2, the smallest city visited by Pope John Paul II in 1996 which entitled him recognition as Capital Central to the Faith, whose recognition is currently known as to this city, which was also visited by Teresa of Calcutta, hosted the Esquipulas Peace Accords during the mid-1980s. The Basilica of Esquipulas headquarters in Central Catholic Faith is the first wonder of Guatemala competition held by the Industrial Bank on November 26, 2008. In 1987 the Trifinio Biosphere Reserve was created to protect the unique flora and fauna in the region. The territory comprises an area of 495 km2, distributed in 20 villages, 123 sub villages, one town and two villas which are Timushán and Chanmagua, with a total population of 53,556 ; with the town of Esquipulas having a population of 18,667 which represents 35% of the total population of the municipality. Esquipulas is located 222 kilometers from Guatemala City, 9.5 kilometers from the border with the Republic of Honduras and 45 kilometers from the city of Chiquimula, bordering the municipalities of Olopa, Jocotán and the department Camotán Chiquimula to the north and the municipality of Metapan, El Salvador to the south. To the east it meets the departments of Copán and Ocotepeque, Honduras and to the west, the municipality of Concepción Las Minas and the Resume Chiquimula department. Pre-Hispanic The northern region and center of Esquipulas is located within the geographical area known as Region Ch'orti' people of Guatemala. Chorti culture and the Kingdom Payaki or Payaqui which was notable for leaving some of their old architectures developed within this municipality. Culture Chorti The first settlers were descendants from Maya people of Copán Copán, Honduras who came to these lands, shortly after they were forming groups or ethnic groups including ethnic Ch'orti ', these moved Esquipulas after leaving or moving of its ancient cities, this culture achievement develop for several years, even after of the Spanish conquest these were gradually disappearing from the municipality and moved to other municipality such as Camotan, Chiquimula and Jocotan, although they reached the Valley of Esquipulas, this culture is developed more in the villages Timushan and Chanmagua. Kingdom Payaqui Another ethnic group who lived in this municipality was ethnically Payaqui. The priest Topiltzín Axcitl or Nacxit was the founder of the Kingdom of Payaqui. The origin of this town, is located in the depths of the mystery of the cultura maya . 16th Century Spanish colonization Esquipulas Basílica in 1895. In 1524 Spanish forces first established themselves in the area now known as Guatemala with the settling of the area's first municipality at Tecpan. By 1525 Spanish forces had reached the region South of the Valley of Monte Christo, this region then being inhabited by the Chorti Indians. Conquest of Isquitzuchil In 1525, the captains Juan Pérez Dardón, Sancho de Barahona and Bartolomé Becerra under the command of Pedro de Alvarado conquered the province of Chiquimula, and as a result the Catholic religion was imposed upon the conquered peoples. In April 1530 the locals led by chieftains Copantl and Galel again revolted against the conquerors and as a result, Don Francisco de Orduña ordered the captains Pedro de Amalina and Hernando de Chávez that they leave from Mitlan to "pacify" the region, who departed along with 60 Marines, 400 Allied Indians and 30 horses. The region was well defended and hindered the entry of the Spanish army. After fighting for 3 days, the inhabitants of the region finally surrendered, mostly for peace and public tranquility, and also for fear of the Castilian arms, in the words of the Chief. Esquipulas Between 1550 and 1560 the town of Yzquipulas was founded in this region by Juan Pérez Dardón. Dardón brought with him slaves of Mayan-Chortí and Mayan-Payaquí origin from other regions of the Province of Chiquimula de la Sierra. The main street in town was laid out, running from the main Iglesia de Santiago in the South, to the town's aqueduct in the North. The city plan eventually grew to include two city plazas, now known as "Parque de la Basilica," in the South and in the North, adjacent to the older parish church "Iglesia de Santiago,"is the "Parque Centroamerica" plaza. In the early 1700s Esquipulas was one of the most populous Spanish communities in the area. According to the town's baptismal registry, it then had a population of 198 people. A century later, the records reflected that the community had reached 851 inhabitants, representing 30% of the total population of the department of Chiquimula. Apparently settlers were attracted to the region by the great fertility of its valleys. Catholicism in Esquipulas In 1594, the villagers asked the Portuguese sculptor Quirio Cataño to sculpt a crucified Christ with a dark complexion. The Portuguese sculptor, who resided in Santiago de los Caballeros de Guatemala, delivered the Black Christon October 4, 1594, as established in the initial contract. The image was collected by the inhabitants of Esquipulas and taken to their small town, arriving on March 9, 1595, and initially installed in a small shrine in a monastic hermitage just outside of the town. The inhabitants of that time called the sculpture "miraculous", which drew the attention of the surrounding Catholic populations. By 1650 the town was one of the most important Catholic sites of the captaincy general since it was visited by people from the provinces of El Salvador and Comayagua. In 1680, the construction of the Santiago Church began, which was completed in 1682, the year in which the sculpture of the Black Christ was moved from the hermitage. In 1740 the fifteenth bishop of Guatemala, fray Pedro Pardo de Figueroa, in order to attend the ever-growing pilgrimages dedicated to the Christ of Esquipulas and in gratitude for the healing of a disease, commissioned the construction of a larger basilica to the architect Felipe José de Porres, son of Diego de Porres and grandson of José de Porres, renowned senior architects of the capital city of the Captaincy General of Guatemala, Santiago de los Caballeros. Fray Pedro Pardo de Figueroa died on February 2, 1751, during a visit to Esquipulas to supervise the construction of the sanctuary and was buried in the basilica of Esquipulas, according to his last will. He was replaced by Francisco de Figueredo y Victoria, who continued the construction of the basilica, which was completed at the end of 1758. On November 4 of that year he decreed the solemn dedication of the new sanctuary, which was inaugurated on January 4, 1759. The image of the Christ of Esquipulas was transferred to the new basilica on Saturday January 6, 1759. + Municipality villages and hamlets Village SurfaceSquare km Hamlets City of Esquipulas hamlets There are four hamlets within the city and, even though they are not outside city limits, there are considerably far away from downtown: El Ciracil, El Sillón, Tizaquín and Vuelta Grande Atulapa 37 Agua Caliente, Amatal, Agua Zarca, Bojorquez, Canoas, El Barrial, El Cerrón, Horno de Vides, La Brea, La Casona, Mesa Grande, Montesinas and Zompopero Santa Rosalía 31 El Duraznal, El Jocotal, El Limón, La Cuestona, Las Toreras, El Portezuelo and Plan de La Arada San Nicolás 32 El Barrial, El Cascajal, Chaguitón, Guayabito, Miramundo and Tecomapa La Granadilla 40 El Chuctal, El Olvido, El Porvenir and Floripundio Olopita 46 Cuevitas, El Bueyero, Las Crucitas, Olopita Centro, Piedra Redonda, San Cristóbal, San Juan and Tontoles Valle Dolores 33 El Chaguite, El Chorro, Los Vados, San Juan Arriba and Tierra Colorada Belén 10 Agua Zarca, Chiramay, El Zapote and La Ruda Cruz Alta 27 Curruche and Las Palmas Jagua 37 El Empedrado, El Encino, El Jicaro, El Peñasco , El Pinalito, El Salitre, La Cumbre, Las Sopas, Lagunas, Llano de Guerra, Ojo de Agua, Palmitas, Rincón de María, San Francisco Buena Vista and Tareas Las Peñas 30 El Incienso, El Palmar, El Pesote, Joyas Verdes, La Fortuna, Miramundo and Queseras El Zarzal 19 El Guineal, Malcotal, Potrerillos, Zapotal and Zapotalito Valle de Jesús 6 Valle de Jesús San Isidro 10 Capucal, El Chuctal, Entre Ríos and Malcotalito Chanmagua 30 El Pedregal, Las Pozas, Los Varales and Laguna Seca Cafetales 20 La Aradona, La Rinconada, Loma Alta and Llano Largo El Carrizal 25 Bailadero, Joyitas, Llano de los Toros, Pericos and Tabloncito Horcones 15 Calzontes, El Zarzalito, Piedra de Amolar, Tablón de Gámez and Tishac Timushán 40 Cañada del Pino, El Mojón, El Bajío, Loma del Mango, Los Fierros, Llano de San Gaspar, Malcinca, Pasaljá, San Antonio Sulay, San Miguel Mapa, Suyate and Tablón de Sulay Monteros 10 El Horno and El Rincón de León Carboneras 10 El Rincón 52% of the population is made up young people within 0 and 25 years of age, of which 64% of that 52% of young scholars. Education quality is high active Esquipulas, +89.0, the best quality education across the east. The Esquipulas educational calendar is 180 days, the dates may vary, the most common are from 18 January to 12 October and a total of 90 days or 3 months off. 70% study in private institutions that are several in Esquipulas, while only 30% study in the public institutions of government. Esquipulas has stood massively in youth participation in National Science Olympiad in Guatemala, which is in charge of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala, taking several gold medals, silver and bronze as well as awards for part of the young participants. Esquipulan Winners in the ONC Esquipulan winners in the National Olympiad of Science are various and Esquipulas has the largest share and the highest number of awards won. Participants go to various materials and are: mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, chemistry, physics and biology major, degrees from 1° to 3° basic or secondary and diversified. Esquipulas Basilica en 2010. Because of its importance as a tourist and religious center, the population of Esquipulas is dedicated mostly to that trade, although there is also a strong coffee industry which produces some of the best varieties available. Currently, religious tourism and hospitality industry has boomed, fueled by the large number of pilgrims visiting the sacred image of the Black Christ of Esquipulas. Tourism in Esquipulas grew gradually, since the area is a very attractive destination due to its natural resources and its colonial history, along with its culture expressed in its customs and cuisine. There is a strong interest of visitors on religious colonial places like the Basilica of Esquipulas, which was built in 1740 under the sponsorship of Monsignor Pedro Pardo de Figueroa in order to meet the increasingly growing pilgrimages dedicated to the Black Christ of Esquipulas. Pardo de Figueroa commissioned the construction of a temple to Philip José de Porres, the son of Diego de Porres and grandson of Joseph de Porres, renowned architects from the capital city Santiago de los Caballeros de Guatemala and the funding came from the cotton fields owners. Interesting tourist destinations are: * Basilica of Esquipulas * "Los Compadres" stone * Mine cave * Trifinio Biosphere Reserve * Chatún Park * "El Guisayote" biosphere reserve * Acueducto "Los Arcos" * Río Atulapa Basilica of Esquipulas In 1956, Pope Pius XII erected the Prelature nullius for the Black Christ and established by the municipality of Esquipulas and the Santuario de Esquipulas Cathedral as its venue. The Archbishop of Guatemala, Monsignor Mariano Rossell y Arellano, was appointed the First Prelate of Esquipulas; one of the first concerns of Rossell y Arellano was to seek a religious order to take over the care of the sanctuary. Finally, he found support from the Benedictine Abbey of San José, located in Louisiana, USA. The order sent three monks in 1959 with the mission of founding the Benedictine Monastery of Esquipulas which is responsible for the care of the Basilica in the 21st century. In 1961, Archbishop Rossell sent a request to Pope John XXIII, who, based in religious, cultural and historic shrine of Esquipulas raised to the rank of Minor Basilica. This Basilica is the only one that has been erected in Central America. Stone of the Compadres These two stones, one on top of the other in strange balance, have stood the test of time as well as historical earthquakes. They are not small at all: the upper stone is about the size of a regular sedan and together they reach a height of about three meters and a calculated weight of 50 tons. A legend in Esquipulas says that two friends became "compadres" , but in spite of this sacred pact, one of them was carried away by desire and seduced the other's wife. They were turned into stone as punishment for their sins, left for all to see their forbidden desire for each other, among the whispering wind and swaying trees. On the other hand, traditional communities believe that the stones are a manifestation of divine powers, or materialization of divine will; therefore, the place is scene of sacred rituals, prayers, sacrifices and penances. The stones are blackened by the rituals performed there, often including a sacrificed, beheaded cock placed between candles. Mine Cave The oral tradition dictates that it was in this place where Christ reveals the image of the famous sculptor Quirio Black Catano, creator of the famous statue venerated in Esquipulas. Are located south of the city right next to the Basilica and one kilometer away from the road leading to Honduras, there are some hills which one was drilled in a cross lying north to south in the more margins of the Rio Chacalapa or Miracles. It is said that many went through all these places in search of a mine that salvation was to finance the work of the Basilica, but finally, up and down and doing tests, the savior was found, began drilling and operating silver mine that was a fact, when they needed was more like a miracle those deluded savior. These caves were like a memory of that silver mine, which by its geographical location near the Basilica, they found there has been attributed to the miraculous Christ of Esquipulas, which is not true because the documents were later found which consists reliable that the image was burilado by the architect in Antigua Guatemala Quirio Catano, however many indigenous pilgrims from the West, with a mixture of Christian faith and traditions or beliefs, come to visit these caves, performing their own rituals, burn pon and candles, even money left within them. The caves are within private land whose owner have taken advantage of the touristic value that they have, given the influx of pilgrims and the river that runs through the place. They installed the "Cuevas de las Minas" Ecological Park, which has a zoo with more than 25 species, and several modern amenities. Park Chatún Chatun is an Adventure and Fun Park, where all features are intended to show the diversity of our natural resources and our customs and traditions, based on two pillars: adventure and nature. It also has advantages in agriculture, because its coffee, Sertamenes Esquipulas, has won several national and international as the best quality coffee and the richest of Guatemala. There are three farms, Finca Finca Clouds, Finca Rosa, and the Cascajal, that have won contests for "The Best Coffee in Guatemala and the World" according to the National Coffee Association. The Basilica The cathedral at Esquipulas was proclaimed a basilica in 1961 by Pope John XXIII, and in 1995, celebrating the 400th anniversary of the shrine, Pope John Paul II proclaimed it "the spiritual center of Central America." Every year, thousands of pilgrims from Guatemala, the United States, Mexico, Europe and other Central American countries flock to pay homage to the dark wooden image of the crucified Christ, the most revered Catholic shrine in the region. El Santuario de Chimayo, a major Roman Catholic pilgrimage site in Chimayó, New Mexico, United States, is closely linked with Esquipulas. Tierra Santa tablets Esquipulas is famous for its 'Tierra Santa' clay tablets that are purchased by the pilgrims during church festivals. The clay from the local deposits is cleaned and pressed into small cakes. Such clay is also known as 'tierra bendita', or 'Tierra del Santo'. The popularity of this clay is attested by the many names that are used for such medicinal clay tablets all around Central America. Pilgrims sometimes eat the supposedly curative clay, or they rub themselves with it. Similar customs prevail at the sister shrine El Santuario de Chimayo in the US. Beauty contests The maximum beauty event in Esquipulas is "Miss Beauty of Esquipulas", formerly "Señorita Esquipulas", followed by the National Queen of the Independence Party. These events are the second most important beauty contests in the country after only "Miss Universe Guatemala". * Marco Tulio Rivas, global soccer, attended the World SUB-20 Colombia of 2011, currently playing for the football team SUB-20 Guatemala. * Juan Pablo Espino, Guatemalan writer nationally recognized. * Mario Salazar Grande, artist and painter known internationally for his paintings. * Milagro Acevedo: educator. Milagro has a great deal of international experience in the Montessori method. * Hania Hernández: beauty queen. Hania has won numerous contests nationally and internationally.


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