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「聖馬達(Santa Marta),正式名稱為「聖馬達旅遊、文化及歷史地區」,是哥倫比亞北部加勒比海海岸上的一個城市。它是Magdalena郡的首府,也是加勒比地區僅次於巴蘭吉利亞、卡塔蓋納和索萊達的第四大城市。該城市位於同名海灣,是加勒比地區的主要旅遊景點。哥倫比亞大陸在歐洲人到來之前,被一些土著部落居住。由於熱帶天氣、大量降雨以及西班牙征服者破壞和誤導許多記錄,我們對這一地區的人民瞭解有限。Tairona人形成了中到大規模的人口中心,包括石頭路徑、梯田、受保護的水道和農作物空間。它們的經濟主要是農業,種植玉米、菠蘿、木薯和其他當地食品。Tayrona的水平被認為相當先進。現存的考古遺址由形成的梯田和小規模的地下石通道組成。他們知道如何積極收集和加工鹽,這是一種重要的貿易商品。他們與沿海及內陸的其他土著部落進行貿易。考古挖掘工作發現了製陶、石工和金屬的重要作品。聖馬達的旗幟由兩種顏色組成:白色和藍色。白色象徵和平,所有人都可以毫無阻礙地團結在一起。藍色象徵天空、海洋、在地平線上找到的魔力,以及雪山內衝突納。聖馬達位於Magdalena省的加勒比海聖馬達海灣。距離波哥大約992公里,距離巴蘭吉利亞約93公里。它與北部和西部的加勒比海接壤,南部與municipalities阿拉卡塔卡及Cienaga接壤。聖馬達的氣候屬於熱帶半乾燥氣候,全年溫度基本均勻。乾季從12月至4月,濕季從5月至11月。聖馬達的經濟以旅遊活動、貿易、港口活動、漁業和農業為主,其中主要的農業產品是香蕉、咖啡、可可和木薯。聖馬達是一個重要的港口。Simón Bolívar國際機場距市中心約17公里。歷史人物桑坦·波爾維死在這裡,這對整個南美洲都是一個重大事件。他的別墅,即San Pedro Alejandrino的La Quinta,位於城市中心附近。由於主要的城市中心位於海岸附近,該城市本身一直在努力控制擴張。儘管從技術上講,Rodadero是聖馬達本身的一個單獨的地區,但實際上也是聖馬達的一部分。


美洲西南部以及墨西哥北部沙漠草原的天然溼地自從十九世紀晚期以來大部分已經消亡。這裡的天然溼地被稱為「Cienega」,是唯一的溼地系統。Cienega有著鹼性的淡水,濕潤且淺漬層深的永久滲濕土壤,與其他乾燥景觀形成鮮明對比。現今很少Cienega可以按此介紹,因為大多數都被深切地影響。Cienega同時與湧泉或溪流毗鄰彼此,除了溝渠都會在峽谷的上游或沿著河岸,為了維持Cienega與其周圍之間的生態平衡,需要及時修復。自從1985年開始在亞利桑那州和鄰近的新墨西哥州對Cienega進行首次清查和評估之後,其他研究已擴大到繼續到德克薩斯州與其南部撒拉威納以及現今墨西哥 Chihuahua 和 Sonora,評估其分佈和保存情況。然而由於在該區域各個地方的特殊環境,會對Cienega造成變化,但 Cienega 由來深受歐洲入侵所造成經由土地及地下水的地質改變影響。Cienega以溫帶和半溫帶地區的溼土壤為主,主要的植物有蘆葦、蘆葦和芒草,邊緣位置則增加了一些耐溼的植物,例如威爾森楊、Fremont棉花樹和Arizona山梨櫟樹等。Cienega也被視為很重要的水源,因為其除了支持19%威脅、瀕危或候選瀕危物種外,也可以淨化表面水和減輕暴雨的導致的洪水。然而Cienega的日漸減少是因為改變的土地使用,包括過度放牧以及貪婪耕種、城鎮用水等,也有部分是因為直接剝除濕地環境。因此,要保護現存的Cienega,並恢復被破壞的Cienega,必須抵制土地使用模式的變化,以及避免在Cienega周圍再次發生。並且,大多數Cienega是存於私人土地中,其並沒有有約束力的保存協議或授權執照。根據歐洲的調查,整個美洲西南部和墨西哥東北部僅有155個Cienega被記錄,2018年末,在新墨西哥開啟了一個溼地行動計劃,再尋獲了119個小型的Cienega,表明可能會有更多要發掘的Cienega。


「聖馬達(Santa Marta),正式名稱為「聖馬達旅遊、文化及歷史地區」,是哥倫比亞北部加勒比海海岸上的一個城市。它是Magdalena郡的首府,也是加勒比地區僅次於巴蘭吉利亞、卡塔蓋納和索萊達的第四大城市。該城市位於同名海灣,是加勒比地區的主要旅遊景點。哥倫比亞大陸在歐洲人到來之前,被一些土著部落居住。由於熱帶天氣、大量降雨以及西班牙征服者破壞和誤導許多記錄,我們對這一地區的人民瞭解有限。Tairona人形成了中到大規模的人口中心,包括石頭路徑、梯田、受保護的水道和農作物空間。它們的經濟主要是農業,種植玉米、菠蘿、木薯和其他當地食品。Tayrona的水平被認為相當先進。現存的考古遺址由形成的梯田和小規模的地下石通道組成。他們知道如何積極收集和加工鹽,這是一種重要的貿易商品。他們與沿海及內陸的其他土著部落進行貿易。考古挖掘工作發現了製陶、石工和金屬的重要作品。聖馬達的旗幟由兩種顏色組成:白色和藍色。白色象徵和平,所有人都可以毫無阻礙地團結在一起。藍色象徵天空、海洋、在地平線上找到的魔力,以及雪山內衝突納。聖馬達位於Magdalena省的加勒比海聖馬達海灣。距離波哥大約992公里,距離巴蘭吉利亞約93公里。它與北部和西部的加勒比海接壤,南部與municipalities阿拉卡塔卡及Cienaga接壤。聖馬達的氣候屬於熱帶半乾燥氣候,全年溫度基本均勻。乾季從12月至4月,濕季從5月至11月。聖馬達的經濟以旅遊活動、貿易、港口活動、漁業和農業為主,其中主要的農業產品是香蕉、咖啡、可可和木薯。聖馬達是一個重要的港口。Simón Bolívar國際機場距市中心約17公里。歷史人物桑坦·波爾維死在這裡,這對整個南美洲都是一個重大事件。他的別墅,即San Pedro Alejandrino的La Quinta,位於城市中心附近。由於主要的城市中心位於海岸附近,該城市本身一直在努力控制擴張。儘管從技術上講,Rodadero是聖馬達本身的一個單獨的地區,但實際上也是聖馬達的一部分。


美洲西南部以及墨西哥北部沙漠草原的天然溼地自從十九世紀晚期以來大部分已經消亡。這裡的天然溼地被稱為「Cienega」,是唯一的溼地系統。Cienega有著鹼性的淡水,濕潤且淺漬層深的永久滲濕土壤,與其他乾燥景觀形成鮮明對比。現今很少Cienega可以按此介紹,因為大多數都被深切地影響。Cienega同時與湧泉或溪流毗鄰彼此,除了溝渠都會在峽谷的上游或沿著河岸,為了維持Cienega與其周圍之間的生態平衡,需要及時修復。自從1985年開始在亞利桑那州和鄰近的新墨西哥州對Cienega進行首次清查和評估之後,其他研究已擴大到繼續到德克薩斯州與其南部撒拉威納以及現今墨西哥 Chihuahua 和 Sonora,評估其分佈和保存情況。然而由於在該區域各個地方的特殊環境,會對Cienega造成變化,但 Cienega 由來深受歐洲入侵所造成經由土地及地下水的地質改變影響。Cienega以溫帶和半溫帶地區的溼土壤為主,主要的植物有蘆葦、蘆葦和芒草,邊緣位置則增加了一些耐溼的植物,例如威爾森楊、Fremont棉花樹和Arizona山梨櫟樹等。Cienega也被視為很重要的水源,因為其除了支持19%威脅、瀕危或候選瀕危物種外,也可以淨化表面水和減輕暴雨的導致的洪水。然而Cienega的日漸減少是因為改變的土地使用,包括過度放牧以及貪婪耕種、城鎮用水等,也有部分是因為直接剝除濕地環境。因此,要保護現存的Cienega,並恢復被破壞的Cienega,必須抵制土地使用模式的變化,以及避免在Cienega周圍再次發生。並且,大多數Cienega是存於私人土地中,其並沒有有約束力的保存協議或授權執照。根據歐洲的調查,整個美洲西南部和墨西哥東北部僅有155個Cienega被記錄,2018年末,在新墨西哥開啟了一個溼地行動計劃,再尋獲了119個小型的Cienega,表明可能會有更多要發掘的Cienega。


'Rionegro' is a city and municipality in Antioquia Department, Colombia, located in the subregion of Eastern Antioquia. The official name of the city is "Ciudad Santiago de Arma de Rionegro". Rio Negro means "Black River" in Spanish, as the city received its name after a river that looks black because of the shadows cast by trees. The river traverses the city and it is the most prominent geographical feature of the municipality. Rionegro is also sometimes called the 'Cuna de la democracia' as it was one of the most important cities during the era of the Colombia's struggle for independence and the 1863 constitution was written in the city. The territory was first mentioned in 1541 by the Spanish Lieutenant Álvaro de Mendoza. When the Field Marshal Jorge Robledo took possession of the Valley of Aburrá, he was commissioned by Alvaro de Mendoza. According to Fray Pedro Simón, Robledo was the first Iberian man who discovered the Valley of San Nicolás on 2 September 1541. Don Juan Daza, a Spaniard of illustrious lineage, took possession of the lands sometime later, and on 8 November 1581, in agreement with the rituals of the laws of Indias, nailed his sword in the ground marking it as an inhabited place and began constructing a farm. Immigration to Rionegro came from numerous regions of the country, including from the same provincial capital of the time, Santa Fe de Antioquia and the original ranch grew into a village and then a town in the first half of the 17th century. The chapel, Concatedral de San Nicolás el Magno, consecrated to Saint Nicholas was built as early as 1642, another reason why the territory reached a greater degree of independence for religious reasons. Yet, for most part of the 18th century, Rionegro was isolated by the jungle and mountains, and its chapel being only a humble one made of straw and bahareque. In 1783, Rionegro had enough population to become like a municipality, resulting in becoming the City of Santiago de Arma de Rionegro in 1786, with administrative powers under certification of King Carlos III, issued in the Palace of San Idelfonso on 25 September 1786. After this event, its isolation decreased, resulting in the visit of the obisp of Popayan in 1793. After seeing the bad state and rusticity of the chapel, the obisp ordered it to be demolished and a new one was built, its inaguration taking place in 1803. Rionegro became an important town, and a new distribution of lands was made . Rionegro grew in the 19th century and was an important center during the end of the Spanish colony, and in the early years of Independence. The city then rivaled Santa Fe de Antioquia to compete for the capital of Antioquia, until the city of Medellín grew prominently and far exceeded the growth of these cities. The municipality of Rionegro is located in the central mountain range of the Andes in eastern Antioquia. With a total area of 196 km2, is part of the sub-region of Eastern Antioquia. The city is surrounded in the north by the municipalities of Guarne and San Vicente, in the east by the municipalities of Marinilla and El Carmen de Viboral, in the south by the municipality of La Ceja, and in the west by the municipalities of El Retiro and Medellin. The city of Rionegro is located at , at an average elevation of above sea level. The average annual precipitation varies between with an average temperature of . Much of the land consists of volcanic ashes and soils with a high resistance to erosion. Rural Rionegro The altitude of the rest of the territory varies between , and the topography is characterised by a number of small hills, some of which may rise to a greater height and slope like Cerro del Capiro, located in limits with the municipality of La Ceja. A sharper mountainous system emerges towards the West of the municipality, which becomes a physical barrier between the Valley of the Aburrá and the Plateau of Rionegro, from where the main affluents of the Negro River are born. The main hills of the mountainous chain that surround the Valley by Rionegro are: Alto Gordo, Alto de Amariles, Alto de Salazar o La Pilastra, Cerro Verde, Alto de Careperro, Alto de Pantanillo, Cerro Corcovado and Cerro del Capiro. Part of the city is an alluvial plain of the Negro River and its tributaries, which also include the Pantanillo River and the gorges such as Las Palmas and Espíritu Santo y Fizebad. Historically the Negro River divided the valley in two, with the Valley of Llanogrande and the Valley of San Nicholas. Hydroelectric companies operate in the area, and have constructed a Hydroelectric Power station at Guatapé with the Santa Rita Dam. Today the hydroelectric complex of Eastern Antioquia consists of five power stations, two of which are public companies of Medellín city. According to the figures presented by the National Administrative Department of Statistics in the 2005 census, the municipality of Rionegro had a total population of 101,046 inhabitants, the sixth largest populated area in Antioquia. The municipality had a population density of approximately 466 inhabitants per square kilometer. The ethnicity of the population is almost entirely of Mestizo and White persons with 1.1% Afro Colombian. 48.6% of the population are men and 51.4% women and city had a rate of 5.7% who were illiterate, but most of these were under 5 years of age and not yet eligible or mature enough for an education. Public services in Rionegro are of a relatively high standard with 98.7% of houses supplied with electricity, 95.6% with a water supply and 87.1% with a telephone connection. Ethnicity According to DANE statistics 2005, the ethnic composition of this city is: * Whites and Mestizos * Black Rionegro is governed by a democratic system based on the processes of administrative decentralization generated by the proclamation of Political constitution of Colombia in 1991. For the city there is a mayor with executive authority and a Municipal Council with legislative rights. The Mayor of Rionegro is naturally the head of the local government and the municipal administration, representing legal, judicial authority in the municipality. The position of mayor is chosen by popular vote for a period of four years, that at present is a position held by Hernan Ospina with Andres Julian Rendón as elected major for the term 2016–2019. Amongst his main functions are the administration of the resources of the municipality including responsibility of health, housing, education and road infrastructure, to guard the well-being and respond to the interests of his fellow citizens and to represent them before the National Government, besides being impelled to implement local policies to improve quality of life within the municipality. The Municipal council of Rionegro, is also subject to election, composed by 17 politicians of varying political parties, chosen for a period of four years. The council is the associated executive organization of the municipality with obligation to take responsibility for Rionegro's territorial jurisdiction. Amongst its functions are approving the proposals and projects of the mayor, and with financial obligation to draw up the budget and to take responsibility of collecting rents and taxes. Administratively the Mayorship of Rionegro is divided in two main groups, the chief central administration and the decentralized organizations. These organizations are denominated Secretaries, whose main objective is the benefit of services to the community. From many years ago, Rionegro has become the most important trade center in eastern Antioquia, due to its strategical position in the subregion. The city's dramatic growth has situated it as one of the richest cities in Colombia; its economy is mainly based on industries of all kinds, food industries, fabric industries, paper industries, chemical industries, and trade which brings Rionegro's people one of the highest standards of living in the country. Agriculture also plays an important role in the local economy; The main activities are: floriculture and poultry production. José María Córdova International Airport Rionegro has private shuttles that serve all the city's neighborhoods and bus routes throughout the city which connect it to Medellín and the other surrounding municipalities. Taxis are also well used in the urban area. Located within Rionegro city is José María Córdova International Airport, the second most important airport in Colombia, which serves Medellín. Both domestic and international flights arrive and depart from this airport. *Concatedral de San Nicolás el Magno -built in the 1790s and opened in 1804. *Parque principal La Libertad *Museo de Arte Religioso *Calle de la Madera *Tutucán *Parque Los Osos Comfama de Rionegro *Casa de La Convención Puente Mejia *Puente Mejía *Palacio de la Cultura Ricardo Rendón *Corregimiento San Antonio de Pereira *Casa de La Maestranza *Parque de San Antonio de Pereira *Iglesia de San Antonio de Pereira *Antiguo Colegio de Rionegro *Iglesia de San Francisco *Iglesia de Jesus Nazareno *Archivo Historico de Rionegro *Estatua Ecuestre del General José María Cordova *Cementerio Principal *Roman Catholic Diocese of Sonsón–Rionegro The city is home to Categoría Primera A football club Águilas Doradas since March 2015. They play their home games at the Estadio Alberto Grisales. Universidad Católica de Oriente is in Rionegro, as well as a small branch of the university of Antioquia. * Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, one of the most powerful drug lords of all time, one of the founders of the Medellin Cartel and younger brother of Roberto Escobar. * Roberto Escobar, older brother of Pablo Escobar and former high-ranking member of Medellin Cartel. * Iván Córdoba, Colombian former soccer player


Envigado 是位於哥倫比亞安提歐基亞省東南邊米德爾金附近的一個市與廳。它位於阿布拉瓦谷大都會區邊境,西面與伊塔吉相連,東面與埃爾雷蒂羅和卡爾達相鄰,北面與米德爾金的埃爾波拉多(El Poblado)接壤,南面與薩巴內塔(Sabaneta)接壤。Envigado 以保留拍薩地區傳統和其建築著稱,其生活水準也是哥倫比亞最高的,根據哥倫比亞雜誌《Semana》的報導,該市缺乏基本需求人口比例也是全國最低的。Envigado 也是哥倫比亞作家兼哲學家費爾南多 · 岡薩萊斯(Fernando González)的故鄉。他的房子「Otraparte」,拉丁文為「另一面」,今天已變成文化中心,也是一個紀念他及他的作品的博物館。1993 年的人口普查顯示,Envigado 的人口為 115,484 人,2012 年則達到約 199,276 人,根據 2018 年 DANE 人口普查的數據預計,2013 年 Envigado 的總人口約為 212,437 人。Envigado 的居民稱為「Envigadeño」,並在 1775 年建立,於 1814 年被宣佈為一個廳。有研究人員推測,此廳的名稱來自 Envigado 以前有很多大樹,用於建造房屋的屋架。Envigado 的主要經濟活動是製造業,當中包括雷諾-豐田組裝工廠 Sofasa。此外,Envigado 也是哥倫比亞最大的超市鏈 Almacenes Exito 的總部,尤其是在紡織品、肥皂和香水方面。Envigado 也有一個名為Envigado Fútbol Club 的足球隊,在哥倫比亞一級聯賽中發揮,以及一個名為 Inder Envigado 的運動、娛樂與免費時間優良使用總體,它於 1998 年 6 月 25 年被建立。Envigado 每逢星期日早上 7 點至下午 1. 點,Inder 會預先封閉波拉多大道(La Avenida del Poblado),禁止車輛進入,並僅開放給 Envigadeños 跑步、騎自行車、滑板和步行。Inder 也會在自行車行(cycleway)中舉辦各項活動,例如室外社區瑜伽和搖擺(Zumba)課程。
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